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* ex. www.trustpilot.comWhy consumers rely on Trustpilot
reviews in total written across +1.27 million domains.
Two-thirds (65%) of Australian consumers agree that a good Trustpilot score makes them more likely to trust a brand, compared to only 7% who disagree.
new reviews were written on Trustpilot in 2024.
New Releases
Stay ahead in your market
Adapt to market changes with deeper insights into shifts and trends developing across your industry
A look into the future
Understand how to improve your reputation with a projection of what your TrustScore could look like over time
Make a good impression
Let your brand shine with new options for customizing your page and promotions to drive shoppers to your site
At a glance summaries
Access highlights of key themes within your recent reviews, quotes from your feedback and improvement suggestions
Smart replies
Save time with AI-assisted response suggestions tailored to your brand

Salesforce integration
Seamlessly integrate Salesforce with Trustpilot and turn your CRM into a reliable hub for trusted review data.
Trustpilot joins the Coalition of Trust
Trustpilot, Amazon,, Expedia Group, Glassdoor and Tripadvisor have formed the Coalition for Trusted Reviews. A shared commitment to protecting the integrity of online consumer reviews worldwide.
Find the right Pricing plan for your business
Whether you’re a new business or a household name, we have a range of plans to help you reach more customers than ever before.
Trustpilot’s Marketing widgets
73.6% of Trustpilot visitors say they are more likely to make a purchase from a website that's displaying Trustpilot reviews on-site.