Build a Trusted Brand

Trustpilot celebrates Women's History month

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Last month was Women’s History Month, and to celebrate, we asked women in leadership positions at Trustpilot to share their unique experiences in the workplace.

Because we wanted to start a conversation, we also set out to hear the stories of our female business partners through Twitter by using #TrustpilotWHM — some responses exceeded the 280 character limit on Twitter, so a few answers ended up in our inbox.

We received so many stories, but we couldn’t pick them all! Here are a few of our favorites that we got throughout the month of March.

I’m a female director and have been in business running Butlers in the Buff for 16 years.

Challenges I’ve come across are — my opinions haven’t always been heard first time as a female with 2 male business partners, sometimes I have had to fight harder to get a point across.

I think women should be given more flexi time to work in the evenings to allow them to pick their children up from school, and then do office work in the evening.

I’ve had many proud moments in my career — getting our business lots of positive media attention, having an ITV documentary made about us, more recently winning a trademark infringement legal battle against a company using our name.

Thank you to all the impressive women out there who participated in this campaign!

We might have reached out for responses during Women’s History Month, but it doesn't mean that the conversation ends. It will always be important to share and listen to everyone’s story no matter the day, month, or year, and we’re hoping that you’ll join in whenever you see fit.


Photo of Kimberly Gonzalez

Kimberly Gonzales

Customer Marketing Coordinator
